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Bringing expertise together
Bringing together the expertise of neuroscience, craeneo sacral, neurofeedback and Virtual Reality opens a new chapter in healthcare and homecare.
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These experiments are open for further research and development.
- Grip on HRV. A minigame in which one can train your stresslevels down.
- Predicting HRV. A minigame in which a stress reaction appears before the event it self.
- Play tinnitus away. An organ in which you can play ‘away’ your tinnitus for a short time.
- Mirroring sound experiment. Sound and vision is mirrored.
- 3D locking/unlocking sound experiment.
- Out of body experiment. An experiment about ghost touch.
- Smell chamber experiment. Smell the objects in VR.
- Muscle relax environment. A VR meditation experience.
- Increasing stress experiment. Scientific proven stress game to increase stress
- Facial stress recognition
- Bio Acoustic experiment. Measuring stress through voice information.
- Visual recovering. A minigame in which the body trains towards a wishful situation.
- Tinnitus finder module. A self scan tinnitus module for beeps, multi-tones and noises.